Black Sheep Cookie Co. strives to bring joy, significance, and relevance, to any and every moment you choose to celebrate in life. We celebrate the expression of the human experience and believe in the uniqueness and the importance of every individual. We promise to provide daringly delectable, enjoyably edgy, handcrafted dessert cookies and to deliver an awesome-sauce experience every time we engage with our beloved weirdoughs.



Brianna is a former hairstylist and Makeup artist from the Tampa Bay area. She credits her years of studying the ins and outs of color theory and chemistry to helping her design, create, and bake the most delicious and beautiful cookies! She discovered her passion for baking and designing when she was going through a “mid-MID life crisis”. After years of being in and out of different salons, she was great at what she did but severely unhappy. At the time, cookie decorating/baking was her way of coping with the sadness and confusion.

I was drowning in my thoughts, continually thinking I made the wrong decision by leaving hair/makeup. I couldn’t understand why I wasn't as happy doing hair. I swore that was going to be my “end all-be all” career. In times of big changes we tend to feel a bit lost in the world. Not like ourselves. I think it’s a natural tendency to focus on what makes us feel most at home and at peace. Even if we aren't really aware that it is a passion yet”.

Cookies just became Brianna’s thing. Cookie dough was a blank canvas for her to create flavor, and the decorating part became her new creative outlet. People around her noticed. They encouraged her to keep creating, keep sharing, and even pushed her to start selling cookies. She was scared, and even a bit embarrassed to be starting on a new career path after establishing herself as a hairstylist. She wanted people to take her seriously.

But who's to say you can't have multiple passions and careers in a lifetime. After all, we only have one life. Brianna’s new motto is: “Try out all of your passions and see which one blossoms!